About Marian

Marian Rillstone Human Resources - Company principle

Marian Rillstone, company principle.

Marian has many years of experience in general management and strategic change processes, and proven success working with employers and employees to maximise their effectiveness.

With an innate ability to cut to the root of company culture, Marian builds workplace interrelationships that are key to good performance and quality outcomes while mitigating risk.  She has managed and delivered highly effective projects identifying gaps and improving culture and engagement in a number of public and private organisations.

Through her executive management experience Marian understands the importance and challenge of managing staff while still focusing on getting the business done. With her background in trade unions through to executive HR roles she is expert at managing employment relations issues, from performance concerns, change management and conflict resolution. From her experience as a Director of People and Culture as an executive, Marian is skilled in management of all people and workforce issues - from strategy setting through to relationship and conflict management.

Private Investigator

Marian is a licenced Private Investigator and a skilled negotiator, adept at conflict resolution, workplace investigations and all facets of HR compliance: legal, social and safety. She is particularly experienced in trade union and collective agreement negotiations.

A Skilled Hand

Marian particularly enjoys coaching, policy setting and strategic business change processes. Sophisticated yet pragmatic, her understanding of the relationships across workforce structure, budgets, performance and strategic direction. She has a well-established working knowledge of current Health and Safety Legislation and how to give effect to the due diligence obligations.

Animal Wisdom

Marian concedes that empathy towards those you are supporting through a difficult time is reflected in her animal companions. The wisdom of the donkeys, goats and horses in their non-verbal communication and behaviours, enabling them to co-exist peacefully, continually informs her approach to her HR work.

Marion Rillstone

Lifestyle, Animals and Environment.

Marian has an affinity for animals and the outdoors and has a healthy life-balance reinforced by the needs of her many animals. From alpacas to ponies, being out in the fresh air maintains her mental and physical wellbeing, bringing an envigorated and refreshed perspective when it comes to her HR work.

Anyone who has dealt with alpacas will understand the skill of negotiation.

Rillstone Associates can help.

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